For which goods or services should I register my trademark?
Of course, this depends first of all on the goods or services for which you want to use the trade mark at present. These goods/services must in any case be taken into account when applying for the trade mark. However, your further business plans should also be taken into account when considering the trademark application. On the one hand, once the application has been filed, it is not possible to add to a trade mark - so if after some time you find that you would like to use the trade mark for goods or services that were not specified in the application, they cannot be added to the trade mark. If the goods or services in question are not coincidentally included in other terms indicated in the trade mark application, there is only the possibility to file a new trade mark application, now for the "new" goods or services.
On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that, after a certain period has elapsed since registration, trade marks must be actually and demonstrably used for the goods specified in the application for registration. Otherwise, third parties may have the trademark cancelled in whole or in part due to lack of use. The time limit by which use must have commenced varies: in Europe it is usually 5 years, but in many other countries it is only 3 years.
In the course of the preparation of a trademark application, it is therefore advisable to weigh up the likelihood of use of the trademark for the goods or services in question within the period until the use of the trademark is compulsory. The more likely such use is, the more likely it is that the goods or services in question should be taken into account in the application, even if you do not currently offer them at all. Even if the start of use is not yet foreseeable at all, but the goods or services are of strategic importance for your business, they should be covered by the trademark application. For this reason, it makes sense to inform us during the preparation of the trademark application which goods or services you intend to offer under the trademark in the future, so that we can take them into account accordingly when filing the application.

Attorney at law and certified specialist lawyer for intellectual proterty law

Attorney at law and certified specialist lawyer for intellectual proterty law and information technology law
Consulting Services
We have decades of experience in trademark law and advise small and large companies on trademark matters and conduct legal proceedings.