Escrow service provided by attorneys
Reliable and confidential fiduciary services provided by lawyers
Free Case EvaluationWe offer you trustworthy and confidential fiduciary services by lawyers.
This includes, for example, the fiduciary
- Holding of shares in companies (GmbH, GbR, KG, etc.)
- Acquisition and disposal of shares or company shares
- Managing funds in attorney escrow accounts
- monitoring incoming payments and forwarding them when certain conditions are met
- Purchase of land
- Establishment of companies
- Managing director or member of the board of directors
The details are based on the trust agreement to be concluded. This agreement also sets out our expenses allowance. This is usually based on the time required for the activity.
If you are interested in this service, please contact Jens Liesegang, Attorney at Law. Your enquiries will of course be treated confidentially.

Ask us!
Your point of contact is: Jens Liesegang, attorney-at-law
Tel. 069-71 67 2 67 0
Here you can directly instruct us to set up an escrow account.